Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Lesson 2 - Time Management 2 and Waffling

It seems that my time is so managed these days, that I don't appear to have any left! Could explain why it's been so long between posts....
So, here's what's happening......
Assignment 1 is due on Monday (major GULP!!) so obviously I've read through the readings and modules, completed the activities and know exactly how to approach the assignment, right?
WRONG....about the last part anyway. Yes, I completed the readings (and took notes!) and yes, I completed the activities. Trouble is, my head is so full of STUFF now (it's literally spinning and swinging like The Claw ride at Dreamworld . Around and around and up and down and around and around......you get the picture. If you haven't been on it, DON'T DO IT!) I can't seem to settle on a single thought for a moment. While writing this, I'm also planning dinner, working out which resources to use for my assignment, mentally reminding myself to take the DVDs back to the shop and working out if I'll have enough daylight left for a walk after this post.
So, how does a working mother get an assignment done, I ask you??????
One word at a time, it would seem, chosen carefully and sparingly! You would think that in a 2500 word assignment, you'd be trying to stretch out your sentences to reach the word limit. WRONG again! I'm already up to draft number 5 ( and by 'draft' I mean I've actually written 5 different assignments!).
Each time I think I'm on a roll (about 2000 words in) I read through and realise I'm completely off track. Somewhere along the way the explanations and justifications turn to good old Waffling.
So.....what to do?
Exactly as my lecturer said......take a deep breath......read the question (again)......work through the modules(again)......take another deep breath.....slow the spinning and swinging in my head.....start writing(again).......and edit, edit, edit!
Yes, I can do this.
Many before me have.
If only I could just stop waffling! My online learning journal might actually reflect mt learning!
One can only hope.
Maybe next time..........

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Lesson 1 - Time Management

OK....So it seems that one aspect to being a successful 21st C Librarian is the ability to manage your time. Fairly straight forward one would think. At least that's what I thought........
I mean, I have my neatly written fortnightly meal menu, typed shopping list (ready to be highlighted), and jobs chart for the children safely displayed on the fridge for the family to ooh and ahh (or groan!) over. The family knows, Tuesday and Friday we wash uniforms, so get them in the basket, BEFORE DINNER! Mornings run like clockwork, except for the days the batteries are flat or someone forgets to wind it! Afternoons are homework (or Uni study for me), violin practice, dinner, cleaning the kitchen, more study for me, the occassional afternoon swim in the river if it's warm, before winding down in front of the big box with a cuppa before bed.
And at school...... I have my weekly class timetables and my teaching program which, obviously, show that I manage my time! There's my list of things to do today, my list of things to do this week, my list of things to do this term, my list of things to do this year, my list of things not to forget....
Just ask me. My time is MANAGED.....
So managed, in fact, that my allotted time for blogging is up, and I must move on to reading more about the amazing world of 21st Century Teacher Librarianship.
Now where are those readings I printed out at school today (and crossed off the list!)????
Think back.....
I had my bag with the readings in my hand as I went to the staffroom to return my coffee mug before leaving this afternoon.......
I'm sure I picked it up off the floor after putting my mug in my tote tray......
Then again..... Oh no.......it wasn't on my list!

Saturday, 3 March 2012

21st C Librarian.........
When I look at this image I see a Librarian. I see a woman with a purpose. Here she is, carefully selecting books for those who frequent her quiet spaces, looking for a place of solitude to research and learn about the world beyond their borders and their lifetimes. Her main concern is print material, lots of it! Books, newspapers, magazines, journals, documentations, and so the list goes on. I can almost hear her, humming away (silently of course!), as she busies herself with the endless tasks of locating, shelving, accessioning, repairing and re-shelving that make up her days.
Fast forward......2012......
What exactly does the 21st Century Librarian look like?
That, dear reader, is the point of this blog. I am on the journey to becoming a certified Teacher Librarian in a primary school and to be completely honest.....my head is spinning! Gone are the stereotypes. Teacher Librarians are required to do HEAPS more than just deal with print material and be experts at shushing people.
There's computers, the internet, Interactive Whiteboards, iPads, iPods, mobile phones, e-books, kindles, smartboards.....
Talk about information overload!
How can anyone navigate all these devices to find what they need, when they need it and then determine if it can be trusted?
I'm pretty sure that's where I come in.
Apparently, by the time I finish this course, I will be the one teaching others how to find what they need and how to work out if it's reliable. Hmmmm........Well, here goes!